
Unda Dr. Scheussler Tissue Salts 100 Tablets

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Tissue Salts are homeopathic combinations of minerals formulated to relieve symptoms and promote healing. They are a popular and effective treatment for many common ailments. Tissue salts are prepared in a way which makes them rapidly absorbed and easily available for all cells in the body.

In the early nineteenth Century, Doctor W.H. Schuessler, a noted German physiological chemist and physicist, identified 12 "tissue salts" in every human cell.

Because the mineral salts work inside the cells, they are called "cell salts" or "tissue salts". As this is chemistry inside the biological body, they are sometimes called "biochemic cell salts" or "biochemical cell salts".

Dr. Schuessler in his research found that these mineral salts or "Cell Salts"were vital for the regular functioning of the body´s cells. He had concluded further that deficiencies in any of these tissue salts would lead to dysfunction and illness. Consequently, treatment of mineral imbalances in the body by tissue salts must be an essential factor for restoring health. Dr. Schüssler based his therapy on a total of 12 mineral salts, which he called “functional substances”, because they perform essential functions in our body and are suitable for remedying a multitude of functional disorders.

The biochemical therapy is a way of supporting the human body functions with mineral salts which are indispensable for the metabolic processes within the cells. The biochemical therapy makes use of the 12 Tissue Salts. Tissue salts act on the cellular level to balance and restore cell function.

There are multiple therapeutic effects to Dr. Schüssler Salts. They help to harmonize and regulate chemical processes in the cells and also encourage the self-healing powers of the body in a safe and effective way.

*Unda tissue salts are prepared using methods based on Dr. W.H.Schuessler Biomedical System of Medicine in accordance with German Homeopathic Pharmacopeia ( HAB )

Calcarea carbonica 6X –re-balances calcium levels and restore inadequate calcium metabolism promoting fast and strong development of bones and teeth. Its characteristics include slow metabolism, overweight, tendency to heredity bone conditions and slow-healing.

Indications: Fractures, decalcification, impaired growth, delayed teething in children, indigestion, gas and bloating, eczema.

Calcarea Fluorica 6X -Calcium Fluoride helps maintain tissue elasticity and is beneficial for conditions associated with relaxed condition of the elastic fibres. It strengthens theConnective tissue, blood vessels, bones, teeth, ligaments and tendons. 

Indications :Bone caries, deficient tooth enamel, Lumbago, Cracks in the skin, prolapsed organs, prolapsus uterus, varicose veins, aneurysms, glandular tumors, and fibromas.

Calcarea Phosphorica 6X-is useful for developing new tissues, such as during pregnancy or childhood, formation of new blood cells, and intensifying the action of other Tissue salts. Calcium Phosphate is the bone cell salt and is also present in the teeth. . It is beneficial for conditions associated with deficient calcium assimilation and helps the build-up of blood corpuscles and may assist during teething, puberty, convalescence and in later years. Phos. is also found in the gastric juice and plays an important part in the process of digestion and assimilation.

Indications : chronic infections of mucous membranes, ulcerations, bone fractures , Calcium deficiency, Parathyroid Function Support, Skeletal Degeneration , Osteomalacia, rheumatism, inadequate sphincters (such as of the bladder), Eczema , Nasal Congestion, Catarrh & Coryza, anemia, imperfect circulation, convulsions, muscular cramps and pain during menstruation, spasms, chronic enlargements of the tonsils and goiter and dyspepsia ( indigestion )

Calcarea Sulfurica 6XIt is a constituent of connective tissue, mucous membranes and skin. It is associated with conditions arising from impurities in the blood. The true indication for this remedy is a thick, heavy yellow pus.

Indications : Skin disorders, acne, Pimples , abscesses, Boils, carbuncles, felons, burns, infections with yellow discharge , sinusitis, sore throat, cold, Chronic catarrhal conditions with purulent secretions, suppurative stage of gonorrhea . Sulphate is beneficial for slow wound healing, during the last stage of suppuration.

Ferrum Phosphoricum 6X – It is regarded as the "Oxygen Carrier", Phosphate of Iron is beneficial for the first stage of acute diseases, and any inflammatory or feverish condition. Iron assists in maintaining normal body resistance to disease and, strengthens immune system. It is indicated whenever disturbed circulation is the cause of the ailment with demonstrating symptoms of heat (fever), pain, redness (flushed face), and throbbing (quick pulse) and to relief of the symptoms caused during chemotherapy.

Indications : during the first stage of acute diseases , febrile disturbances , inflammatory and congestive diseases such as ;common cold, bronchitis, respiratory infection, laryngitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia,tonsillitis, diphtheria, Whooping Cough (Pertussis) , Herpes Zoster, acute rheumatism. It is an excellent remedy in disorders of iron metabolism, anemia,bruises, , blood Loss, nosebleed, bleeding gums and Periodontal Disease. It is effectively used in other infectious and inflammatory conditions like, nephritis, cystitis, incontinence of urine, apoplexy, and gastritis.

Kalium Muriaticum 6X –The efficacy of this remedy is demonstrated in chronic and Sluggish catarrhal conditions and at the second stage of inflammatory diseases. It acts to lubricate tissues such as the skin and mucous membranes. It also aids in reducing swellings of the lymph glands and inflammation of serous membranes with fibrinous exudation. It usually follows Ferrum Phos. The characteristic symptoms of Kali Mur which is always indicated in the second stage of the inflammatory diseases are glandular swellings, discharges or expectorations of a thick, white fibrinous consistency, white or gray exudations and a white or gray coating of the tongue.

Indications :sore throat, glandular swelling, Lymphadenitis, coughs & colds , glossitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, catarrhal infection of the middle ear, dry skin eruptions including eczema , white coated tongue, light colored stools, Leukorrhea, cystitis.

Kalium Phosphoricum 6X - is a useful nerve tonic and it affects nerve cells, the brain the blood and the muscles. This tissue salt is indicated in cases of neurasthenic condition where there is stress and tension and nervous symptoms appear. It is particularly valuable for emotional irritability, depression, nervousness, and children´s tantrums.

Indications :Whatever disease can be traced to the nerve degeneracy, depression, brain-fag, mental fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, nervous exhaustion, sleeplessness, dizziness and vertigo from sleeplessness, paralysis, epilepsy, hysteria, nervous dyspepsia ( indigestion ), nervous headaches, nervous asthma, Nervous hypertension neuralgia, Spasmodic Disorders , Sciatic, Muscle Spasm , Muscular Disorders , ALS , Parkinson's Disease , Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's Disease , Bipolar Disorder , children´s tantrums.

Kalium Sulfuricum 6X -is used in recovery processes such as during the third stage of chronic infectious processes. Kali Sulph is another oxygen carrier. It furnishes vitality to the epithelial tissues. It opens the pores of the skin, brings blood to the surface and promotes perspiration. For this reason it is often beneficial in alternation with Ferrum Phos. The chief indication for this remedy is yellow deposit on the tongue. It has been given in bronchitis with yellow, slimy or thin, watery expectoration, in whooping cough, pneumonia, skin diseases with a sticky yellowish secretion and peeling off of the epidermis. Often it is used towards the end of a cold, when the discharge is profuse and frequent.

Indications:the infectious condition, inflammation and fever, Chronic ear infections, skin rashes resulting from infectious conditions such as measles, laryngitis, leukorrhea with abundant discharge, and nasal catarrh, Dyspepsia with slimy yellow coating of the tongue, catarrh of the bowels, diarrhea, leucorrhoea, ophthalmia ( infection in the eyes ) with light yellow, watery secretions; dandruff; yellow scales in skin diseases.

Magnesia Phosphorica 6X – acts on the muscles and nervous tissue. It is an anti-spasmodic that also nourishes the nervous system. It is a constituent of muscles, nerves, brain, bone, spine, teeth and blood corpuscles. It is a remedy to be thought of in all maladies having their origin in nerve cells and in the muscular tissue. It is the chief remedy for complaints of a spasmodic nature and thin persons of a highly nervous temperament. Magnesia patient is always unenergetic, tired and easily exhausted.

Indications:Exhaustion, spasms and minor nerve problems, Menstrual pains, , Muscular twitching, stomach cramps, neuralgia, sciatica, headaches with darting stabs of pain, cramps, muscular twitching, spasmodic cough, toothache, neuralgia and acute pains in general, Fibromyalgia, beneficial in many cases of exhaustion due to emotional upset, an Important remedy for baby´s colic.

Natrium Muriaticum 6X - is a constituent of every liquid and solid part of the body to regulate the degree of moisture within the cells and to properly distributes the water through the organism. An unequal distribution of water in the system sometimes causes excessive dryness of mucous membranes in some part, while there may be a copious, watery fluid from another part. Naturm Mur. will set things right and will establish equilibrium. It acts upon the lymphatic system, the blood, liver, spleen and upon the mucous lining of’ the alimentary canal.

Indications: catarrhal affections with thin, clear, transparent, watery secretions, watery colds, (runny nose and eye watering symptoms) influenza, hay-fever, diarrhea (with transparent, frothy, slimy stools.), leucorrhoea, intermittent fevers and skin disorders with watery symptoms, Small watery blisters, breaking and leaving a thin crust. It may also assist with tissue dryness, some cases of constipation with dull headache and is helpful in certain digestivedisturbances arising from too little acid.

Natrium Phosphoricum 6X – This is the remedy in all cases where there is an excess of lactic acid. Through the presence of this salt, lactic acid is decomposed in carbonic acid to be eliminated through the lungs and. It has also the power to eliminate any excess of sugar from the blood.Sodium Phosphate helps maintain the alkalinity of the blood, emulsifies fatty acids and keeps uric acid soluble in the blood.It is a diuretic, an antacid and a preventive against lithiasis and catarrh. Characteristic symptoms of this remedy are Febrile condition with acid and sour smelling perspiration, Thick, moist, golden yellow coating of the tongue and palate and also a creamy yellowish exudation.

Indications :gallstones (Cholelithiasis), Jaundice, hyperacidity of the stomach, gastric indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, Morning sickness during pregnancy, colic spasms due to acid conditions of the stomach, intestinal worms, kidney stones, arthritis, rheumatism and elevated serum uric acid, Gout , Stiffness and swelling of the joints, acidic blood conditions.

Natrium Sulfuricum 6X - helps balance the amount of water in the tissues and if necessary, eliminates excess fluid. It is a Biochemic aid for the liver, spleen and kidneys.It aids and regulates the excretion of the superficial water. It eliminates and excess of water from the blood regulating the quantity of water in the organism. It is preeminently a liver remedy with bilious symptoms like dirty, brownish green or grayish-green coating on the root of the tongue , dark greenish stools from excess of bile, bitter taste, vomiting of bile, diabetes from jaundice,

Indications : hepatic diseases, bilious attacks, liverenlargement, jaundice, diarrhea, edema, Vomiting in pregnancy with bitter taste , excellent in influenza, intermittent fever and in all stages with vomiting and other bilious symptoms. edematous inflammations of the skin, skin diseases with moist, yellowish scales, yellow watery secretions in all vesicles, smooth, red shiny eruptions coming in blotches with swelling of skin, tendency to warts around the eyes, scalp, face, chest and arms, sand in urine, retention of urine, enuresis and diabetes gout.

* Natrum Phos creates the water by splitting up of lactic acid; Nat Mur distributes the water through the system. Nat. Sulph. regulates the quantity of water in the organism.

Silicea 6X –is part of all connective tissue cells(bones, joints, glands, skin and mucous surfaces) and stimulates the elimination of pus and the absorption of indurations in the connective tissues. It is used in the first stage of any swelling. It is a remedy for deep-seated chronic and acute suppurations and ulcerations.It is an anti-fungal and is important for chronic ailments, especially associated with pus formation initiating the healing process by dispersing. The main characteristics of Silicea are the presence of icy coldness over the whole body, Smelly feet and arm pits, pus formation, its deep and long lasting action and poorly nourished constitutions.

Indications :For chronic suppurations and ulcerations, carbuncles, abscesses, boils, Styes on eyelids, corneal ulcers, glandular swellings, tonsillitis, indurations, foot sweats, uterine disorders, adrenal atrophy, exostosis, scars and ulcers, inflammations and abscesses of any tissue.

Combination 12 ( Melange )- In this special combination all 12 essential cell salts are available in each preparation in accordance with the British and US Pharmacopoeia, and based on Dr Schuessler`s biochemic system of medicine. These are beneficial for helping the balance of mineral salts throughout the body, for general good health. This remedy is great for daily support yet it is important to remember to emphasis using one of the single tissue salts if specific symptoms still arise (i.e cramping, use Mag Phos or Calc Phos to help restore mineral balance and the cramping)

Direction of use: Since each product is formulated differently, please follow the labels’ information instructed by manufacturer for individual product or as directed by a qualified practitioner.

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